Animals & Society Institute

Research, 2011, Grantee Link >

The Animals & Society Institute writes:

We received a grant that allowed us to sponsor Stephan Blatti, a fellow at the 2011 ASI-WAS Human-Animal Studies Summer Fellowship. Stephan, who was at that time an assistant professor of philosophy at the University of Memphis, spent the six weeks of the fellowship working on a project titled “The Dying Animal.” That work resulted in the publication of three different articles (in 2012, 2012, and 2014) about the philosophical understanding of animal death, an edited volume entitled Animalism: New Essays on Persons, Animals, and Identity (OUP, 2016), and, eventually, his promotion to Associate Professor. Since that time, we have concluded three more successful fellowships, held at Wesleyan University, and a final concluding conference to celebrate ten years of the fellowship, in 2015. In 2016, we created a new partnership with the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, in order to run a one-week summer institute which focused on graduate students at the dissertation level.